5 Ways Snapchat Spectacles Will Affect Influencer Marketing in 2017 - Videogames Blogs

5 Ways Snapchat Spectacles Will Affect Influencer Marketing in 2017

In trying to make sense of how influencer marketing will evolve over the next year, one of the most intriguing insights could be found in considering the new, highly elusive items that people across the U.S. are dying to get their hands on this holiday season: Snapchat Spectacles.
Since early November, marketers have watched in awe as Snap Inc. executed on one of the most engaging tech product launches since Apple introduced the iPad. Every day, thousands of people visit Snapchat?s site to see where the next Snapbot vending machine might appear, filled with hundreds of the most user-friendly and stylish pieces of hardware for taking first-person videos.
In a year from now, we?ll look back on the fall of 2016 as the time when Snap Inc. first offered us a glimpse into just how impactful Spectacles would be for brands? influencer marketing efforts. This product will fundamentally change how influencers of all sizes–from celebrities with millions of followers to customers with small but active networks–create content and engage audiences. As Spectacles become more widely available in 2017, here are five ways that I predict they will shape influencer marketing:
Significant increase in first-person POV unboxing and demo videos
While consumer product unboxing and demo videos have been extremely popular for well over a decade now, the makers of these videos are often choosing between a series of less-than-ideal options for videography.
Using a webcam often results in a...
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