Criminal case game: How to fix Technical issues"
Criminal case game: How to fix the Technical issues"When we are playing Criminal case game, we may face some issues that are caused by the game application but note that not all the issues are caused by Criminal case game itselfYou completed level without promoted) and are related to your PC/Device, your Java, system configuration, Internet connection, software, malware or spyware on your computerIssues may be:
Game Freeze.Loading is very slow.Graphics problems.Error in Accepting(Messages, energy or Cards). Levels are completed without promoted.Levels are completed and you can't share chips.Levels are completed and you can't share juice.Error in Collecting rewards.You bought staff but it doesn't appear in your store.You bought new dog and you can't find it.You claimed an energy item (Chips - juice - free complete meal) and your energy bar didn't recharged.You can't login the Criminal case game.Error in loading.Error ask report.Error ask for energy.Error send Gifts. <!-- Begin BidVertiser code --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC=""pid=539813%26bid=1410841" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT> <noscript><a href="">pay per click advertising</a></noscript> <!-- End BidVertiser code --> Here are some steps that help you to solve the technical issues but you have to try them one...
Source: Criminal case game secrets
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