EA Launches EA Sports FIFA Mobile on iOS, Android, Windows 10 - Videogames Blogs

EA Launches EA Sports FIFA Mobile on iOS, Android, Windows 10

Electronic Arts announced the release of EA Sports FIFA Mobile on iOS, Android and Windows 10. The soccer game allows each user to build and manage a soccer team and complete events in multiple gameplay modes.
In FIFA Mobile, users can participate in daily live events, play games in season and attack modes and join and compete in leagues. Specifically, live events ask players to complete drills and other challenges, while the attack mode allows users to compete in two-player asynchronous multiplayer matches, in which users only play their attacking possessions.

Finally, the league feature allows users to join other players in leagues and compete in league vs. league tournaments and interleague championships. Users can chat with and send gifts to the other players in their leagues. As users complete games and events, they’ll have the chance to win card packs that may contain new players for their teams, as well as special collectible items that can be used in the game’s Plans, or collections. As users gather collectible items and unwanted players, they’ll be able to use them to complete Plan collections, which can be turned in for a chance to receive better items.
In a statement, Todd Batty, senior producer of FIFA Mobile, commented:
When developing FIFA Mobile, we focused on giving players the most exciting parts of football in quick and fun bursts while prioritizing gameplay and engaging, new ways to play FIFA on the go. This meant bui...
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