Facebook Adds New Sizes, Video Ads, Carousel Ads to Instant Articles - Videogames Blogs

Facebook Adds New Sizes, Video Ads, Carousel Ads to Instant Articles

Facebook Wednesday announced several new advertising options for Instant Articles: support for new and custom ad sizes, as well as video ads and carousel ads.
Product manager Harshit Agarwal said in a blog post that publishers with direct sold advertising businesses can now use several different formats up to an aspect ratio of 2-to-3, including custom and premium formats, and he offered some examples in the graphic below:

He added that publishers using Facebook Audience Network to monetize their Instant Articles can now incorporate video ads and carousel ads across iOS and Android with no additional implementation.
Agarwal also shared an example of publisher Vox Media extending its custom ad units to Instant Articles, writing:
Vox Media has seen success on the mobile web with its proprietary Athena ad unit (pictured above). With this update, Vox Media will bring the Athena unit to Instant Articles across its editorial brands, including Vox.com and The Verge. Vox Media vice president of revenue product and operations Joe Alicata added in the blog post:
Over the past four years, Vox Media successfully developed the most effective creative ad formats, technology and ad-tech platform that both optimizes in real-time and captures creative insights for our partners. We worked with Facebook to incorporate these high-performing ad units and capabilities in Instant Articles to reach our valuable audiences who are watching, reading and sharing amazing content on this platform.
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