Facebook Announces New, Improved Share and Save Options, Social Plugins - Videogames Blogs

Facebook Announces New, Improved Share and Save Options, Social Plugins

Sharing is caring, and Facebook Tuesday introduced several improved ways for developers of applications and websites to enable their users to share (and save) to the social network.
Facebook announced in a blog post that it released Save to Facebook and Share to Facebook buttons for Google Chrome; redesigned its social plugin buttons (like, share, send, follow, recommend, save); and will offer publishers the ability to add like, comment and share buttons to the bottom of Instant Articles ?in the coming weeks.?
The new Chrome buttons are available to developers via the Chrome Web Store. The Save to Facebook button enables users to save web content to a private bookmark on Facebook and view that content later, while the Share to Facebook button enables them to share content to the social network, groups and Messenger while they are outside of Facebook. Software engineer Yue Cai wrote in the blog post:
We want to help people connect with each other through sharing the things that matter to them. Share to Facebook will give people more options to share any link on the web with their friends to Facebook, groups and Messenger.
Today, more than 300 million people use the save on Facebook feature every month. We launched the save button at F8 this year to give people the ability to also save things they discover around the rest of the web and receive notification reminders to visit their save list. People can access the things they save any time, on any device in a private, ...
URL: http://www.insidesocialgames.com

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