Facebook Announces Several Metrics Updates, Corrected Bugs - Videogames Blogs

Facebook Announces Several Metrics Updates, Corrected Bugs

Facebook Wednesday announced several metrics-related updates: corrections of several bugs that resulted in inaccurate data, increased third-party verification, more measurement solutions and an internal review process.
The bugs affected organic reach in page insights, video watches, time spent on Instant Articles, referrals in Analytics for Apps and follower counts in interest lists. More details from the social network are included below.
Facebook pointed out that it already taps companies including comScore, Moat, Nielsen and Integral Ad Science for third-party verification, and it is exploring additional options.
The social network also launched the ability to verify display impression data via its third-party viewability verification partners, and it announced that it is teaming up with Nielsen to include viewership of videos and Facebook Live videos in its Digital Content Ratings, giving publishers third-party verification options and data comparable with digital and TV metrics in Nielsen’s Total Audience Measurement. On the measurement front, Facebook detailed plans to form a Measurement Council:
Our global Client Council has helped shape the direction of our products and how we approach measurement. Innovations such as conversion lift and mobile polling came out of direct conversations with our Client Council members. Given the Council’s valuable insights and the growing need for measurement standards tied to business outcomes, we?re now working wi...
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