Google Maps Now Displays Google Calendar Events on Android - Videogames Blogs

Google Maps Now Displays Google Calendar Events on Android

Google Maps users on Android now have the ability to view their Google Calendar events within Google Maps.
With this update, so long as users are signed in to both Google Calendar and Google Maps, they’ll see their Google Calendar events on the map when they access Google Maps.

In addition, an “Upcoming” tab has been added to the “Your Places” menu in Google Maps. This tab contains a list of a user’s upcoming events, which have been pulled from Google Calendar and Gmail. A user can ensure that a Google Calendar event will appear in Google Maps by entering the event’s address in the “Where” section when creating it in Google Calendar.
Finally, users can hide specific events from their maps by tapping on them from the map and tapping “Dismiss.”
Readers: What do you think of this new Google Maps feature"


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