Instagram Primes Advertisers for Rio 2016 - Videogames Blogs

Instagram Primes Advertisers for Rio 2016

According to a study by market research firm GfK, 80 percent of Instagram users plan to follow the 2016 Summer Olympic Games from Rio de Janeiro, with more than one-half planning to do so every day.
This presents opportunities for advertisers, as an Instagram for Business blog post also pointed out that 52 percent of Instagram users use mobile devices while watching sports on television, and two-thirds will likely seek Olympics-related news, stories and content on Instagram and Facebook.
GfK also found that 60 percent of Instagram users consume drinks while watching sports, and 64 percent consume snacks, which opened the door for one of the official sponsors of Rio 2016, Brazilian brewery Skol, to create an Instagram campaign showing people ?How to Torcer,? or how to cheer, while promoting its beer.
Instagram added in its blog post:
With 83 percent of Instagrammers enthusiastic about the 2016 Olympics, take advantage by sharing creative that plays off the games. Share content that reflects the events while aligning to your brand, products or services. Include a popular Olympic hashtag or two, like: #bomdia, #rio2016, #riodejaniero, #familia, #brasil, #rio and #felicidad. And if you?re running Olympic-specific ad campaigns, reach viewers by selecting specific targeting interests like 2016 Summer Olympics or Olympic Games.
Whether you?re thinking about running Olympic-specific ads or simply content on your feed, with more than 250 million Instagrammers tuning into the big ...

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