Pinterest: 46 Government Requests for User Information, 7 Content-Removal Requests in 2H 2016 - Videogames Blogs

Pinterest: 46 Government Requests for User Information, 7 Content-Removal Requests in 2H 2016

Pinterest was the first of the major social network to release its Transparency Report for the second half of 2016, but its task is relatively easy compared to those of Facebook and Twitter.
Why do we say that"
Pinterest received a total of 46 government requests for user information from June through December 2016.
In contrast, Facebook reported 59,229 government requests for data in the first half of 2016, while that figure was 5.676 for Twitter during the same time period. Pinterest said it received 24 subpoenas, two court orders and 20 warrants during the last six months of 2016, all from the U.S., involving a total of 116 accounts. It provided some information on 42 of those requests.
The social network also received seven content-removal requests during the six-month period, all from Russia.
In contrast, Facebook received 9,663 content-removal requests from January through June 2016.


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