Thanksgiving Dinner and Social Media - Videogames Blogs

Thanksgiving Dinner and Social Media

Big meals and Thanksgiving go hand-in-hand, but which specific foods did social media users post about"
Social insights provider Synthesio analyzed social data from Thursday through Sunday, and it found that:
Food type, by share of voice:

Main dishes, 66.69 percent
Sides, 17.11 percent
Desserts, 8.81 percent
Vegetables, 3.81 percent
Bread, 3.51 percent

Most popular sides:

Stuffing, 30.15 percent
Potatoes, 26.25 percent
Macaroni and cheese, 21.24 percent Cranberries, 18.3 percent
Green bean casserole, 3.7 percent
Applesauce, less than 1 percent

Most popular pies:

Pumpkin, 67.14 percent
Apple, 20.76 percent
Pecan, 12.09 percent

Where did people post"

Twitter, 71.04 percent
Instagram, 11.85 percent
YouTube, 4.35 percent
Online forums, 3.09 percent
Blogs, 2.39 percent

Readers: Did you post about your Thanksgiving meals"
Image on homepage courtesy of Shutterstock.


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