The Most Important Thing in Marketing Isn?t VR or AI - Videogames Blogs

The Most Important Thing in Marketing Isn?t VR or AI

In recent weeks, Google and Facebook–both undeniable juggernauts in digital advertising–have gotten serious about the latest craze in technology. It has nothing to do with Pokemon Go or custom photo filters, nor does it rely on a new console or platform. During New York?s Advertising Week, both companies announced new offerings in the realm of cross-device, with Google focusing on targeting and Facebook adding new reporting capabilities. So what?s all this fuss about cross-device"
In 2014, Facebook commissioned a study that found that 53 percent of people who own two devices and 77 percent who own three devices switch between them to complete tasks or activities. Similarly, a Google study from 2012 found that 90 percent of consumers use multiple screens sequentially to accomplish a task, including 67 percent of consumers who switch devices while online shopping. Between product research, entertainment, email, maps, social media and more, consumers? content consumption habits are absolutely occurring across devices. In other words, this ?next big thing? has been staring these companies in the face for years. So why are Facebook and Google just now getting serious about cross-device when these studies confirmed the trend years ago" Because brands and agencies are getting more serious about it.
What cross-device means today
As the capabilities of our smartphones get more and more advanced, the screens get larger, the mobile web gets optimized and the a...

This Week on Xbox: April 27, 2018
