When to Ban Social Media Trolls and Prevent Harassment - Videogames Blogs

When to Ban Social Media Trolls and Prevent Harassment

How do brands decide when to ban someone from their social media accounts" What are the criteria" There?s a need for brands to have social media guidelines in place to discourage harassment and trolling, and then take action against those in violation of those guidelines.
Recently, Twitter banned high-profile users over harassment (or incitement to harass). After Ghostbusters and Saturday Night Live star Leslie Jones and Teen Vogue contributor Lauren Duca escalated these issues, the users trolling and posting profane and abusive content directed toward these women were removed from the platform. Martin Shkreli was one of the offenders suspended on Twitter for harassing Duca.
So what should you do if you or your brand account on Twitter, Facebook or another social media platform faces targeted harassment" Brands should carefully consider whether they decide to block users from interacting with them or ban them on Facebook based on their social media posts.
Comments to their brand pages on Facebook or Instagram should not be removed if they refer to genuine customer-service issues or contain criticism posted by legitimate activists. If the company does begin to censor those posts, its current and potential customers will judge the brand based upon the way it handles negativity and complaints. In fact, these interactions should be treated maturely, with facts, politeness, and empathy. This is a clear demonstration of your ability as a business or executive rep...
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