SudoCubed by Highway North Interactive Inc. FREE/$.99 - Videogames Blogs

SudoCubed by Highway North Interactive Inc. FREE/$.99

SudoCubed comes from Highway North Interactive Inc.

Edges are matched from adjacent faces.

I only did the 1 free level.  What I like: there's a button that will highlight all the mistakes."mt=8

Other Innovative Sudoku Puzzle AppsKropk'i Sudoku  This is really a Latin Square with a couple of innovative ideas. It plays fast.Quindoku Same as Logi5PuzzLogi5Puzz  Same as NumDom. But NumDom has larger grid sizes.Spindoku is totally different, but still very cool.Hi-Lo Sudoku is one of my favorite variations.Cryptdoku I played it so long ago, but it's cool. Long gone from the App Store.Stimko Gold - outstanding version of squiggly Sudoku.  Handcrafted puzzles.Kakooma - interesting for about 3 levelsRollDoku - never even solved 1 level, so hardCohabit- played this on my ipod touch - before ipad was inventedFlowDoKu - one of my favorites. Will not delete this.Sudoku Mine combines Sudoku with MinesweeperSudoku Killer  combines Sudoku with Kakuro. I've spent a lot of time on this one. I can do the easy levels in about 10 minutes.3Doku - a cubic version of SudokuPokergreen Puzzles - a poker version of SudokuStar SudokuSudoku MazeSudoku Spin Sudoku Sweeper


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