Burntcustard's Log - Entry 1 - Videogames Blogs

Burntcustard's Log - Entry 1

Get it" Log! I use lots of logs in Minecraft!...

This is the first entry in this series, and I have no idea how long it will last. Hopefully I manage to finish this article! I'm going to try to keep these "in character" and not mention real world stuff. The first few will be in the past, describing the older stuff in the world, and then they should catch up with my castle building. I'm keeping the GUI up in screenshots to give it a more "survival-ey" feel.

EDIT: This got quite a few views from new people, so I feel like I should introduce myself. I'm Burntcustard, and I like overcomplicated redstone contraptions, fancy houses, and gold hats. I've been playing Minecraft since Alpha, and would like to think I'm pretty good at it. Look at my older blog posts to see some cool stuff I've made in the past.
Now, about what I'm standing in front of...
In a brand new world, with Tattysaurus, we started on a hill next to a small lake. For once exactly in the right place to build a house. After deforesting a huge section of land, fishing, and a bit of mining, we built a house. We also found something extremely convenient underground that I'll go into next episode. I then built a very fancy new structure to supply us with enough food to stop us having to spend so much bloody time fishing. Oh and there's a small entrance to the mine. It all ended up something like this:
The cows and sheep were collected and bred for the massive project that is going to be th...
URL: http://burntcustardsminecraft.blogspot.com

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