A Quick Chat With Pehesse - Videogames Blogs

A Quick Chat With Pehesse

Pierre Sylvain 'Pehesse' Coq released his quirky visual novel / fighting game hybrid Honey Rose: Underdog Fighter Extraordinaire one year ago. I talked to him about his latest project, unique payment models, and the state of the game industry at large.
What are you working on at the moment"

I'm currently working on Pachacuti, a 2D modular action-platformer. I make it using Construct 2, for its ease of prototyping, and target desktop PC for now, with plans for console release down the line if the finished game turns out all right! The game is set in an Incan inspired environment and uses 2D tradigital animation, meaning digitally hand drawn imagery reproducing the workflow of traditional animation. To see it all in motion, you can check out the devlog here.
It's intended to be a small, replayable series of linear levels where the player's choice of playstyle (a heavier focus on platforming or combat) will determine the challenges that they face. It's essentially an "exercice de style", a smaller-scope project where I try to work on the focus and quality of the game, rather than explore new genres, mechanics or concepts.

My dream would be to make it an experience newcomers to the platforming genre would enjoy, and act as a gateway to the breadth of other platformers out there, yet still manage to hold experienced player's attention enough to eventually be run at an event like AGDQ. Admittedly, that's the long term goal, the short term plan is &quo...
Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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