ADios Explores The Consequences Of An Existence Where No One Dies - Videogames Blogs

ADios Explores The Consequences Of An Existence Where No One Dies

Death has ceased to exist in ADios, leaving its populace bored, depressed, and aimless now that they have infinite, endless time to do whatever they like. As someone just trying to find your memories, you'll stumble across many people either searching for ways to add meaning to their unending existences or looking for means to cut it short as you play through this RPG about finding the value in life.
A lot of ADios involves interactions with the other characters, finding out about their lives and how they're carrying on with the burden of immortality. You can improve their lives or mess them up depending on your actions, so take care with what you do for the people of this world. Many of them are having a hard time dealing with limitless life, and your actions will have drastic effects on their outlook as you search for your lost memories.
There's also some traditional monster fighting, turn-based RPG style, although you may be wondering how you win a fight in a world where the monsters don't die. Do you both just get sick of smacking each other around" Anyway, you can also join a cult or work in a mine, doing whatever you feel is worthwhile in your endless existence.

ADios' take on finding meaning in life is currently on Steam Greenlight (and I really hope it doesn't change its visuals like the developer is saying).

For more information on ADios and developer Maldo19, you can follow them on IndieDB, YouTube, and Twitter.

Source: indie games

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