Art Doesn't Have To Be Hard With Skuiggle - Videogames Blogs

Art Doesn't Have To Be Hard With Skuiggle

According to its creator Eric Merz, Skuiggle is a thing that "just suddenly happened." It doesn't need to wow you with its highbrow concept. It just wants you to have a little fun and make some art in the process. And that's fine.
So you're this little happy fellow - a dot, really - chasing other dots and leaving a bright, colorful trail. That's it. You can also engage in collective dot-munching with another player, but there's no competitive or even cooperative element to that. It's just two people filling the screen with bright stuff while this relaxing drone plays in the background. It is oddly compelling.
But then, it's what you're supposed to do: "Have fun! Create Art! Art is great!"

You can download Skuiggle for free (or name your own price) from If you want to know more about Skuiggle, go here. If you want to know about Eric "Mokkograd" Merz, go here.

Source: indie games

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