Celebrating Roguelikes in San Francisco - Videogames Blogs

Celebrating Roguelikes in San Francisco

A group of developers and enthusiasts have grouped together in San Francisco to hold a Roguelike Celebration on September 17th. With an exciting group of speakers including the original developers of Rogue (Glenn Wichman, Ken Arnold & Michael Toy), and Dwarf Fortress (Zach and Tarn Adams), and limited exhibition space, tickets to the event at the Eventbrite office will be on sale only until September 1st. Organizer Noah Swartz shared some more information about the event and the club that's helped to form it.

As a group of friends who had, for the most part, a long-standing appreciation of the genre, reaching back to NetHack, the club "got tired of just talking wistfully about our favorite games amongst ourselves and decided to make an event where we could pull in the rest of the Roguelike fans from around the world." Swartz said he had the idea for a couple years, inspired by Junethack in 2014.
"I was just so amazed to see so many flavors of NetHack (Acehack, etc.) and so many participants... It got kicked into full gear after last year's IRDC [International Roguelike Developers Conference] run by Todd Page in Atlanta. I came back afterwards and immediately started planning this event, but I think we've only been having meetings about it since January."

As for attracting the impressive array of presenters that the Celebration has to offer, Swartz said, "I think everyone in the roguelike community just has so much love for the genre ...
Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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