Ceress And Orea Is A Short Adventure About Overcoming Death For Love - Videogames Blogs

Ceress And Orea Is A Short Adventure About Overcoming Death For Love

When your heart finds someone to love, you have little power (if any) to change it. Unfortunately for the protagonist in Ceress and Orea, the one she's fallen for has been, unwittingly, her death sentence. However, players can change their fate in this doomed love by venturing through the abyss and solving puzzles, pleasing a deity so that the two heroines may finally find their happily-ever-after.
Players will act as Ceress, a woman sentenced to death for falling in love with the wrong person. Thrust into the abyss, Ceress is still unaccepting of her fate, and with your help, she just might change it. To do that, players will need to solve puzzles and work through an old deity's underworld realm. Doing this, while also progressing through the story and exploring this gloomy place, will eventually carry players through to the game's single ending.
Ceress and Orea offers players a narrative of lost memories and hope despite the realm of death, pushing them to find a solutions to the game's challenges so that they can eventually make it back to the world of the living. What's a better motivation than returning to the one you love"

You can purchase Ceress and Orea on Steam or Itch.io. You can also follow the developer on Twitter.

Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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