Experience The Biomechanical Horror Of Cayne And Fund Some Beautiful Desolation - Videogames Blogs

Experience The Biomechanical Horror Of Cayne And Fund Some Beautiful Desolation

Today is quite an important day for developer The Brotherhood. Not only do they release free isometric body horror adventure Cayne, they also kick off the crowdfunding campaign for their upcoming title, Beautiful Desolation.
If biomechanical body horror is your thing, you will surely appreciate Cayne. The game has you playing as Hadley, who's nine months pregnant. She wakes up in a strange facilty, right before someone tries to take away her unborn baby...

Just like Stasis, The Brotherhood's first game, Cayne is a nasty, unsettling affair, featuring a kick-ass protagonist and some stomach-churning scenes. It also serves as a kind of technological test run for the devs' latest project, Beautiful Desolation.

This game tells the tale of post-apocalyptic Earth after the discovery of alien technology. It is set against an African landscape. Asked about this unusual setting, developer Chris Bischoff replied: "Africa is certainly something that Science Fiction hasn't really explored in a lot of detail - so using it to draw inspiration from is allowing us to create something very new and different. We are also extensively using photogrammetry in the games creation to capture that bit of Africa - so living here and having access to this amazing nature that surrounds us made setting the game here a no brainer!"
The game is further inspired by adventures such as Beneath A Steel Sky, Primordia, and - most notably - The Dig, as well as post-apocalyptic RPGs like...
Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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