I Spy Something That Meows In Hidden Paws - Videogames Blogs

I Spy Something That Meows In Hidden Paws

It's been a cold winter this year and some of our feline friends need some shelter from the storm in this hidden object game. Aiming to offer fun for cat lovers, Hidden Paws is all about using your eyes and ears to save these animals from a chilling fate.
If you've ever owned a cat, you know that cats find the most intricate, utterly-baffling hiding spots. In Hidden Paws, your job is to uncover all of these spots and secure those kitties throughout a 3D world, digging through wood piles, garbage, boxes, and more to find them. If you're having a tricky time with your eyes, have a listen - a kitty may meow when you are near the spot!
With over 12 landscapes to poke around in and explore, and more than 120 cats to find, you'll be the crazy cat person in no time.

You can purchase Hidden Paws on Steam here. For more information, check out the official websiteand YouTube channel.

Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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