In The Grey Man, Become An Extraterrestrial Life Form & Meet Your Earth Neighbors - Videogames Blogs

In The Grey Man, Become An Extraterrestrial Life Form & Meet Your Earth Neighbors

The Grey Man has you playing as an extraterrestrial life form, one who's come to the planet to hang out, meet the locals, kidnap a few of them, and then poke around to see what's interesting. I mean, who wouldn't want to go check out this whole new planet you've just landed on. Sure, the locals throw rocks or call in airstrikes when you mess with them a little bit too much, but there's just so much neat stuff here.
In The Grey Man, the world is open for you to wander, interacting with local wildlife, fauna, and the people who are staying in the nearby campgrounds. You can just go for a walk in the woods, fly about using your space ship, say hi to your new human pals, or use your cosmic powers to create a little mayhem when people get sassy with you. The campground is open for you to explore how you see fit, so let your alien buddy take a moment to enjoy the new environments.
Things will change as you explore and act out, though. The people don't take kindly to being kidnapped by aliens, after all (not that they were nice BEFORE you started taking them), so the military might show up. Maybe the woods will catch fire. Maybe something you did will spark a series of events that don't turn out so well. There's consequences to something as simple as wandering the woods.

So, go enjoy your life as a stranger in this land. Trouble might be coming for your alien buddy, but in the meantime, he's got insects to befriend and campers to bug.

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Source: indie games

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