'Life In The Dorms' Is An Adventure In (Somewhat Silly) University Life

Dack Peeples just wants to get through orientation and deal with his mounting homesickness, but these are just the beginnings of problems that will come up in adventure game Life in the Dorms. Although, honestly, doing emergency surgery on your friend's mom or dealing with serial killers roommates aren't exactly the usual kinds of problems you come across in university.
Life in the Dorms will have you dealing with day-to-day college life with murderous buddies, distant pals, wild animal fights, and amorous attention, all while dealing with classes, loneliness, and just figuring out what life is like on your own. It's a lot to keep track of, but the mayhem honestly keeps the mind busy from the more emotional problems, doesn't it" When you need to find the right items to solve puzzles involving wild animals and killer roommates, you kind of forget about how you miss the folks back home.
Full of ridiculous humor, Life in the Dorms offers some silly point-and-clicking that may take you back to the dorm days you're honestly still content you forgot about.
Life in the Dorms is available for free on Itch.io and Steam. For more information on the game and Oh, a Rock! Studios, you can follow them on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
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