Little Girls With Big Guns Saving The Earth In Kamio Recoil - Videogames Blogs

Little Girls With Big Guns Saving The Earth In Kamio Recoil

From the minds of Japanese doujin circle Shindenken comes Kamio Recoil, a zero-gravity exploration shooter where the recoil of every shot propels your forward. As a squad of five girls with special powers, you'll be taking the fight to an army of mechanized monsters, hell-bent on destroying Earth. As if that wasn't a tall order already, each shot also drains your hit points, turning this whimsical shooter into quite the challenge.

The game is entirely mouse-driven, and while the controls take some getting used to - firing your weapon is the only way to move, after all - they are the main attraction here. Add some rather tricky levels and a charming presentation to the mix, and you've got yourself a cool little doujin shmup that's going to be released at the end of the year.
Kamio Recoil is currently looking for votes on Steam Greenlight. For more information, you can visit the website of publisher Hanaji Games and follow them on Twitter.

Source: indie games

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