Tales of the Elements FC Brings Hip Hop Culture & Music To Fantasy RPGs - Videogames Blogs

Tales of the Elements FC Brings Hip Hop Culture & Music To Fantasy RPGs

Tales of the Elements FC is an RPG adaptation of the hip hop album of the same name, mingling the culture and music with the gameplay, sound, and style of a fantasy co-op action RPG.
Tales of the Elements FC stars hip hop artists Last BeNeVoLeNcE (who is also the developer), Mega Ran, and K-Murdock, featuring music that is an intertwining of rap and classic RPG style tunes.

The game, which allows up to four players to join in, will have you cutting down enemies in live action combat, but with RPG-like stat growth. Along the way, there will be some optional music-themed mechanics that you can play around with, and also some light puzzle solving.
It's got co-op action, great music from some incredible artists, a thoughtful story, and a unique spin on 90's RPGs. Plus you get a free copy of the album. Really not seeing any downsides to this.

Tales of the Elements FC is available for $6.99 on Steam. For more information on the game and developer Last BeNeVoLeNcE, you can follow them on Facebook, YouTube, Bandcamp, and Twitter.

Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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