The Nightmare From Beyond - 3D Platforming In An Oppressive, Frightening Alien World - Videogames Blogs

The Nightmare From Beyond - 3D Platforming In An Oppressive, Frightening Alien World

The Nightmare From Beyond looks to mix Lovecraft horror and 3D platforming, having players guide Sanja through labyrinthine corridors on an alien world as she searches for her sister.
The Nightmare From Beyond seems to take some inspirations from Tomb Raider, Uncharted, and Prince of Persia, placing players in large environments filled with things they can climb, clamber on, and leap off of in acrobatic fashion. Sanja is quite mobile once she gets running and jumping, which allows her to navigate the (sometimes off-putting) geometry of this hostile alien world.

The world itself, though, is a source of unease. Its strange locations, silent temples, and bizarre alien landscapes unnerve as the player works their way through them. They, as well as some frightening visions and the unfolding narrative as to why Sanja's sister was taken, seek to create tension in the player, and not just about whether they'll make the next jump. The Domaginarium excel at creating game worlds that feel like navigating nightmares (see Enola for an excellent example), and The Nightmare From Beyond's strange landscapes and glowing characters look like they may create that same dreamy, eerie feel.
The Nightmare From Beyond is available for $19.99 on Steam Early Access. For more information on the game and developer The Domaginarium, you can head to the developer's site, the game's site, or follow them on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Source: indie games

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