Black Ops 4 Sets Day One Digital Record - Videogames Blogs

Black Ops 4 Sets Day One Digital Record

Activision is reporting that day one digital sales for Call of Duty Black Ops 4 has set a record for them showing a strong start for the popular title. No word on how it is doing physically but it seems like Call of Duty is “back”. I put that in quotes because the series has always been popular but not to the heights it once was a couple of years back. Black Ops 4 looks to rectify that situation however and has shifted a TON of units across PS4 and XBOX One. I fully expect this to be the #1 selling game of this year and with the addition of the Blackout mode, only good times are ahead for the game. I always love to hear how certain titles perform at retail so keep it here for more information regarding the sales of this game… Now, I just need to find a big bag of money so I could purchase it! LOL.

Source: Myvideogamenews

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