Mini Metro Switch Review - Videogames Blogs

Mini Metro Switch Review

When it comes to the Nintendo Switch, there is certainly no shortage of indie titles hitting Nintendo’s hybrid platform (I feel like I say that a TON but it’s the truth). Every single week, a number of great games hit the eShop and one of those games that has arrived recently is Mini Metro for Nintendo Switch. It’s a nifty little puzzle title that shines in terms of its simplicity and gameplay.
How did this new arrival to Nintendo’s eShop fair in terms of “Review Score”" Read on and find out!

I am going to repeat myself here on purpose so please forgive me but it’s in good context of this review… Mini Metro is “a nifty little puzzle title that shines in terms of its simplicity and gameplay”. I actually wanted to end the review right there and have a sort of “micro review” for this game. I wanted to allow you, the reader, to decide if that piqued your interest enough to at least look at the game but alas, I will keep going… It would be a very short review in terms of content, but I feel that that sentence sums up the entirety of the game. Mini Metro is an aesthetically pleasing puzzle game and if that already sounds pretty good to you, you may want to stop reading this review and check it out. I have read other reviews on the game and many of the other written articles also described this game as “Zen-like” and I couldn’t agree more. As soon as the game starts, players are...
Source: Myvideogamenews

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