Pokemon GO Made $73 Million In Revenue During October 2018 - Videogames Blogs

Pokemon GO Made $73 Million In Revenue During October 2018

MyNintendoNews has reported that the always-popular Pokemon GO mobile game has made $73 million in revenue last month alone. Pokémon GO’s total earnings have already passed the $2 billion mark and will likely grow in the years to come. I know a lot of people may have stopped playing the game but now is a perfect time to pick it back up. Pokemon GO has upped its game a lot this year by allowing gamers to trade their Pokemon as well as new raid options and special themed-events. If they keep updating the game like they have, this one is going to stay for the long haul. Do you still play Pokemon GO"

Source: Myvideogamenews
URL: http://myvideogamenews.com

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