Sky: Children of the Light Arriving on Switch - Videogames Blogs

Sky: Children of the Light Arriving on Switch

Thatgamecompany, the company behind the Journey and Flower, has confirmed that Sky: Children of the Light will be heading to the Nintendo Switch system in the near future.  Sky: Children of the Light originally was on iOS and is an amazing little mobile game very reminiscent of Journey. No word on what the game will cost but I am guessing it will run us $10. The current season pass for the popular mobile title is priced at $9.99 currently so that’s why I think it will cost that much. Journey has become one of my favorite games of all time so I am VERY eager to have Sky: Children of the Light arrive on Switch.
More as it develops friends. Sky: Children of the Light is penciled in for a Spring 2021 release. Load up on those eShop Gift Cards friends.

Source Via MyNintendoNewsThe post Sky: Children of the Light Arriving on Switch first appeared on MVGN.

Source: Myvideogamenews

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