XBOX Enjoys Biggest Launch in Microsoft’s History - Videogames Blogs

XBOX Enjoys Biggest Launch in Microsoft’s History

Thanks to you, the launch of Xbox Series X|S is now the most successful debut in our history. While we missed the emotional spark of being together with you in person, it was incredible to celebrate a new generation of gaming with the millions on our celebration livestream and everyone who participated in our global launch across 40 countries.

Microsoft is enjoying their newly released home consoles touting BIG sales and the most successful debut in the history of the XBOX brand. As expected, gamers were hungry for next-gen systems and they seem to be flocking to both the PS5 as well as the XBOX Series X|S. All of this positive news has me so excited for what’s to come for 2021 and beyond.
Did you pick up a new XBOX"

SourceThe post XBOX Enjoys Biggest Launch in Microsoft's History first appeared on MVGN.

Source: Myvideogamenews

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