8Days Review – Spray and Pray (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

8Days Review – Spray and Pray (PS4)

It takes a lot to make me rage quit. I have the constitution of an ox when it comes to infuriating difficulty levels. It’s a very rare experience when I get to the point that I’m willing to limp away with my tail between my legs. This weekend, I met my match. Santa Clara Games? newest PlayStation release, 8Days, finally pushed me over the edge. The most unique part about the experience is that usually I rage quit because a game is being unfair. This time" I wasn?t even remotely irritated with the game. I was mad at myself. I kept making the same colossal mistakes, time after time, and it was entirely my own fault. Yet, for some reason I kept coming back.
Let’s Do the Time Warp
The world of 8Days is a bleak ’80s action-flick hellscape, brimming with violence and intrigue. When your intro sequence involves a helicopter crash, car battery interrogation, and mercy killing, it’s bound to raise a few eyebrows. So how is a game able to get away with immense amounts of violence, gore and even references to inhumane torture tactics" Let?s just say that an 8-bit aesthetic can go a long way towards smoothing out a title?s inherent edginess. Yet despite character models having a limited art palette, they do a pretty damn solid job of driving home the notion that it’s every man (or woman) for themselves. And Lord help the poor bloodied pixels that get in your way. For their first mission, mercenaries Lola Cruz and Mike Doe have the straight...
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