A Bad Egg: Blemishes on an Otherwise Great Series

The new God of War came out recently to a standing ovation of top scores. I found myself wanting to play it, especially since I enjoyed the first two games, but then I remembered I never actually finished the third installment, even after multiple attempts. The game just never clicked with me. I?m not saying that entry is bad, just that something never clicked with me. There are certainly some series though with titles that stop the momentum cold, or have gained a reputation as the black sheep of the franchise after some time, but either way they are the installments that should be skipped by anyone who isn?t a die-hard fan.
This is a list of some of the worst offenders in my opinion. We may not all agree?even I couldn?t decide between Metal Gear Solid 2 or MGS4, and I know at least one of you is shouting Survive at the screen right now?but there is a reason each of these games stand out from their brethren. My only requirements were that the series have at least three entries, and that two of those be considered good by the majority, while trying to stick to main entries in the series.
Resident Evil 6
Franchises need to evolve, which is why I have given almost every iteration of Resident Evil?one of my favorite series of games?a shot, but this is the one that failed the hardest to me. It was the entry that saw the series go full force into trying to fully mix the action and zombie genres. There are some fun parts, like most of Leon?s campaign, some wonderful visuals and ...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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