Alexios Responds to Internet Comments in Hilarious New Video - Videogames Blogs

Alexios Responds to Internet Comments in Hilarious New Video

When the world was introduced to the Amazon Alexios back in September 2018, apparently people had a lot to say. As such Ubisoft has gifted us with a delightful video showing Spartan warrior Alexios responding to your internet comments.
What the whole thing right here:

It’s all very funny, but also very odd. Highlights include Alexios talking about all of his hoes, removing his battle skirt, and describing the coolest thing he’s ever seen. (Hint: it involves a bit of violence.) He also has some words to say to those who have been clamoring to see Kassandra in these ads. He may or may not be a bit bitter at all the attention his older sister is getting, but he’s still willing to play as her when Odyssey comes out. Seeing as the director of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey wishes to see more gender choice offered in the series, we could more women taking the forefront of ads like these. And no, Alexios doesn’t know anything about Assassin’s Creed Japan, either. He’d really appreciate it if you’d stop pestering him about it. However, if you do have any burning questions for him, you can use #AskaSpartan so you can pick his brain.

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