Ammo Synths Are Back in Destiny 2: Forsaken… Sort of

Every Destiny 2 player has had it happen. They’ve found themselves faced with a big Raid encounter, but due to the persistence of ammo and super energy levels after death, they are without ammunition for the powerful weapon they planned on using to damage the boss. Destiny 2 ammo synths may not be completely accurate, but with Forsaken, Bungie’s solved the problem of beginning a Raid encounter feeling completely naked.
When Destiny 2 first released, Bungie had changed the ammo economy from the original game quite a bit (in fact, the entire weapon slot system was changed). In the first game, players could use ammo synths to refill their ammo on various weapons. This feature was primarily used on Heavy weapons before massive boss fights due to the rarity of purple ammo bricks. Destiny 2 ammo synths have long been requested, but Bungie never relented, instead using powerful enemies to drop “guaranteed” purple ammo for those powerful guns. Destiny 2 update 2.0 changed the entire weapon system again, and with it, the ammo economy. Heavy ammo was no longer a guaranteed drop from certain enemies, instead reverting to its more rare and random nature from Destiny 1. Cries for Destiny 2 ammo synths returned, and as players have been playing through Forsaken, they’ve discovered an interesting endgame consumable that just may solve their ammo woes.
Once you reach the Dreaming City, locating the destination vendor Petra Venj provides some items for purchas...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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