Anthem’s Internal Alpha Test at Bioware Results in Welcome Quality-of-Life Fixes - Videogames Blogs

Anthem’s Internal Alpha Test at Bioware Results in Welcome Quality-of-Life Fixes

Whilst still in development, BioWare?s Anthem has just come out of its first closed Alpha Test, in which the game is played internally while hot fixes and server adjustments are made on the fly, the same work method that will be applied to the game beyond its February 22, 2019 release date. It might be strange to see patch notes for a game that has yet to release, but this is BioWare?s encouragement for both team members and players alike to give as much feedback as they possibly can in order to ensure that Anthem remains a title worth giving your time to.
BioWare detailed some of the findings from the Anthem Alpha test as they continue to iterate and make adjustments ahead of the official February 2019 release of the game:
Loot is critical to upgrading your javelin and leveling up. Alpha players let us know that during their time in Anthem, loot drops weren?t frequent enough and were hard to spot out in the world. We?ve done a pass on the frequency of loot drops and will look for more feedback in future tests. We?re also investigating a way to make loot drops more visible in the world so they?re easier to find.
We?ll be hosting more focused testing sessions on loot in the future.
All loot is personal (not shared with the team), and we?ll make tweaks to ensure that?s clear.
You will be able to access all loot obtained from a mission upon return to Fort Tarsis.

We wanted to help players ease into the dangerous world outside of Fort Tarsis. That in mind, we ...

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