Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 4 Review ? What Ails You (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 4 Review ? What Ails You (PS4)

Things were not looking good for Bruce Wayne when the third episode of Batman: The Enemy Within had ended. Due to my own choices, I had my cover as part of the Pact blown, and subsequently thrown into one of Mr. Freeze’s death freezers. Thankfully, through the use of a few helpful Bat-gadgets, I had managed to escape. Still, things weren’t looking good as the dangerous gang was on their way to steal a deadly virus.
A lot of What Ails You is playing catch up as Batman always seems one step behind on his enemies. This isn’t often the case for such a great detective, and it leads to some gruesome discoveries. Sure, all of the deaths that Wayne encounters aren’t exactly ones to be overly mourned (many did work at a secret laboratory that was conducting tests on human test subjects), but it still weighs on him?as someone who tries to avoid killing as much as possible?that it wasn’t avoided. Players also get to play detective several times during the latest episode, as they have to track down clues as to what Harley Quinn and company are up to. Telltale has often struggled with balancing the more traditional adventure game elements with their narrative structure, but it all feels incredibly natural in The Enemy Within. None of the puzzles are highly memorable, but they more than serve their job of breaking up the action and letting players actually explore different parts of Gotham.

John Doe
Inevitably the batarang hits the fan, and things real...

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