Battlefield 1 Medals Detailed by DICE - Videogames Blogs

Battlefield 1 Medals Detailed by DICE

It’s hard to deny that one of the biggest draws in multiplayer first-person shooters is the constant XP, unlocks and rewards players get for playing. While some might think that a game’s enjoyment shouldn’t hinge on what you can earn and unlock in-game, it’s a system that’s been proven to work and is something we’ll see for a long, long time.
This is the same case for Battlefield 1. Now, for those who’ve played the beta, you might have noticed Medals being listed on the loading screen. Over on the official Battlefield site, DICE has detailed just how Battlefield 1 Medals work, and what players can expect from pursuing these challenges.

Battlefield veterans will notice some changes in how the commemorations work this time around. Each Medal still has a specific unlock criteria, but in Battlefield 1 you have the freedom to choose which medals to pursue. There are always 5 Medals to choose from, and this quintet of decorations is rotated on a weekly basis. This goes hand in hand with the philosophy of choice in Battlefield 1. To find something that caters to your play style at any given moment, you are free to choose which Medal you?re currently most interested in tracking. You can only track one Medal at the time, but if you change game mode or role you can switch focus and go for another Medal. Your progression will be kept as long as the weekly reset hasn?t happened yet. 
To earn a Medal, there are three or five stages which you ...

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