Beast Quest Review – All Bark and No Bite (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Beast Quest Review – All Bark and No Bite (PS4)

Beast Quest is yet another title in the long line of video games adapted from books. Having access to a veritable well of source material has been a blessing for some of these titles, and a curse for others; it?s not easy to live up to the expectations of fans who have been following these literary franchises for years. In the case of Beast Quest, it?s been kicking around in paperback form for over a decade, which should (in theory) set the groundwork for an incredibly compelling narrative. In practice, it?s incredibly obvious that most of the magic is missing.
I Walk A Lonely Road
Beast Quest is marketed as a role-playing game, but it feels more derivative than innovative. This could be because of the immediate Legend of Zelda comparisons that it seems to go out of its way to invoke within the first 5 minutes?you?re acquainted with the concept of four great beasts that have been corrupted, and your job is to don a blue tunic and to give ?em hell. A long-dead father who was once a hero and the attentions of a scatter-brained elderly wizard are the usual stereotypes who make their appearance, but that?s about all the background you get before being sent on your journey.
And what a hell of a journey. It?s about as linear as adventures come, which is definitely not a bad thing in itself. However, what?s less captivating is how you?re forcefully pushed along through woodlands, ice fields, and jumping puzzles in pursuit of a single goal without more than your initial cursory e...

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