Borderlands 3 Will Allow Players to Fully Remap Controls, Plus a Suite of Other Accessibility Options
Accessibility in games is a hot topic right now, and games that do it right open their doors to a whole variety of players who might have difficulty playing otherwise. At Guardiancon over the weekend, alongside revealing a ping system similar to Apex Legends, Gearbox unveiled a pretty broad suite of Borderlands 3 accessibility options. Most notable among these options is the ability to fully remap the game?s controls. This will mean if for any reason you don?t enjoy a particular layout, you won?t be stuck with the default controls or additional presets. Perhaps you enjoy a bumper-jumper layout (mapping jump to a trigger/bumper to keep your thumbs on the control sticks) because you played in competitive gaming tournaments in your younger years" No problem. Do you need to remap the sprint button because your controller isn?t working correctly" Not an issue. Now that choice is up to you, the player! There are plenty of other accessibility options in Borderlands 3. Players will now be able to turn off headbob if they find it to be jarring when playing. Players can also turn off auto-mantling, if for any reason they would only like to climb or mantle an object when they choose to do so. Borderlands 3 will allow players to turn off auto-aim as well, should players decide they don?t want the extra help in gun fights, or if they just prefer to give themselves the ultimate challenge when playing the game.
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Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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