Bright Memory: Infinite Gameplay Trailer Goes Full Anime - Videogames Blogs

Bright Memory: Infinite Gameplay Trailer Goes Full Anime

If Bright Memory: Infinite wasn?t a game on your release radar then don?t feel bad. The newest gameplay trailer highlights a burgeoning first-person shooter franchise from a relatively unknown developer seemingly popped up out of nowhere. If Bright Memory isn?t ringing a bell, that?s because China?s FYQD-Studio isn?t known for much of anything besides the surprise reception to its recent Early Access release of Bright Memory on Steam in January 2019. The game combines FPS action, puzzle-solving, and liberal use of grappling hooks and slides to mow down enemies with the greatest of ease.

Whereas the first trailer for this reboot/remake of Bright Memory highlighted story elements, this new trailer for Bright Memory: Infinite is all-action, with main character Shelia running and/or gunning all over the place, including on the wings of commercial airplanes. The game?s design appears to wear its influences on its sleeve, as the aesthetic and combat all appear quite similar to anime and hot mess of a live-action film Battle Angel Alita. That said, the graphical power packed into this short trailer is substantial and impressive, even if it resembles an overly-polished, short experience. The clips of Sheila grappling from the wings of airplanes while no-scoping is impressive and beautiful, but looks don?t always allude to gameplay quality.
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