Buildings Have Feelings Too Review – and Legs, and Arms… (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Buildings Have Feelings Too Review – and Legs, and Arms… (PS4)

Buildings Have Feelings Too has a unique premise. The game is advertised as a ?city-management/puzzle game about buildings and the city they inhabit.? While the city management descriptor is technically true, those expecting anything like SimCity or Cities: Skylines will be disappointed. The title is actually a puzzle game where players need to decide the best placement and combination of buildings to complete objectives, all while appeasing the buildings’ feelings at the same time.
This is a city where nearly all of the buildings can walk around and talk. Each of them wants to be the very best it can be, but things are starting to go wrong. A warehouse is being demolished in the Dock Yard. He thought he was made to last but his façade has deteriorated too much. There’s no money coming in anymore, the jobs have gone, and it’s time to rejuvenate the area. That task falls to a nondescript building that I later found out to be The Halfway Hotel. Buildings Have Feelings Too Review – If The Walls Could Talk
The game takes place in side-scrolling streets that have a restricted amount of building room. Players start off with a fixed budget too. Each level gives a list of tasks to be completed that mean buildings need to be placed in specific combinations. There’s not much scope for players to make their own choices as the limited amount of building room and resources mean finding the most efficient combinations to complete each of the game’s e...

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