Bungie Details Destiny 2 Seasons, Talks About Future Content Updates and Events - Videogames Blogs

Bungie Details Destiny 2 Seasons, Talks About Future Content Updates and Events

On Friday afternoon, Community Manager David Dague–or Deej, as he’s better known to the community–sat down with two members of the Destiny 2 Live Team for a panel at TwitchCon to provide players with a look at what’s coming up in Destiny 2, the crux of which centered on the idea of Destiny 2 Seasons. You may have noticed seasons mentioned in terms of clan rewards and rank ups, and now we’ve finally got details on what those seasons will entail.
While many other games have had seasons in a competitive space, Bungie is utilizing this idea to effectively change the themes for the in-game meta and the loot pool. For the time being, Destiny 2 will have four seasons in year one, and though they didn’t come right out and say this, it’s likely that the changes will happen around the launch of each new expansion. The change from season one to season two is expected to occur at the start of December (again, not something they came out and said, but by taking in statements like one more Iron Banner in season one and the winter themed The Dawning event being part of season two, it’s pretty easy to narrow down), which is the same time that The Curse of Osiris DLC is expected to launch. Unlike the Destiny 2 weekly reset, seasons are designed to shift the course of play and change the game as we know it. Clan rewards will be reset for season two, and there will be new rewards and incentives, rather than just earning all of the old ones agai...
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