Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Update Adds Quad Feed and Nuketown Playlist, Patch Notes Released - Videogames Blogs

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Update Adds Quad Feed and Nuketown Playlist, Patch Notes Released

Treyarch has kicked off the Memorial Day weekend with a new Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 update, which adds Quad Feed and Nuketown Playlist to the game. From now until Tuesday, May 28th, you can enjoy double 2XP in the following:

Multiplayer, League Play, and Zombies
Weapon XP in Multiplayer, League Play, and Zombies
Nebulium Plasma in Zombies
Merits in Blackout

Full patch notes are as follows:

PB = PB || {};
PB.gptStandAlone = PB.gptStandAlone || {};
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PB = PB || {};
gptAds = PB.gptAds || {};
var opts = {&qu...

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