CD Proket RED to Work From Home on Cyberpunk 2077 Amid Coronavirus, Release Date Remains Unchanged - Videogames Blogs

CD Proket RED to Work From Home on Cyberpunk 2077 Amid Coronavirus, Release Date Remains Unchanged

As COVID-19 continues to put a halt on various industries across the globe, many have converted to a work-from-home environment to avoid the spread of the disease. This includes Polish developer CD Projekt RED, as the team enters the last leg of development on the highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077. However, this change does not seem to have an impact on the game?s already delayed release later this September.
A statement issued on the developer?s official Twitter page explains the entire team has converted to full remote work, which will ?grant every team member the highest level of personal health safety.? You can check out the tweet below:

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