Cell and Piccolo Are Officially Joining the Insanity That Is Jump Force - Videogames Blogs

Cell and Piccolo Are Officially Joining the Insanity That Is Jump Force

We had already heard that Dragon Ball’s Cell and Piccolo would be the latest characters to join Jump Force, but now Bandai Namco has officially confirmed their addition to its always-growing roster. In addition, new screenshots were released, showing them in action.
Take a look at these two competitors.

Jump Force Cell

Jump Force Cell

Jump Force Cell

Jump Force Cell
Jump Force Cell

Jump Force Piccolo

Jump Force Piccolo

Jump Force Piccolo

Jump Force Piccolo

If you’re keeping track, Cell and Piccolo are the fourth and fifth Dragon Ball characters confirmed for Jump Force. They join the previously-confirmed Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza. Ironically, all five are also playable in Dragon Ball FighterZ, also from Bandai Namco. However, ju...
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