Check Out Some Far Cry 5 Arcade Gameplay and Screenshots - Videogames Blogs

Check Out Some Far Cry 5 Arcade Gameplay and Screenshots

Far Cry 5 is set to have a multiplayer mode and map editor, just like each of its predecessors. Ubisoft allowed us to get a brief look at Far Cry Arcade at the preview event held a couple weeks ago, and you can look at some of the gameplay footage we captured above. They also provided us with a few screenshots showing some of the possibilities in the Far Cry 5 arcade map editor, including assets from prior Far Cry games and other titles in Ubisoft’s library. You can take a look at those screenshots in the gallery below. If you want even more on Far Cry Arcade, you can read our impressions from the preview event. We also recently reviewed the Inside Eden’s Gate Far Cry 5 short film that was released yesterday.
Far Cry 5 Arcade

Far Cry 5 Arcade

Far Cry 5 Arcade

Far Cry 5 Arcade

Far Cry 5 Arcade

A ton of new information was revealed about Far Cry 5 last week, including cult vignettes of Joseph Seed’s family. You can check out some co-op gameplay undertaking a mission for Hurk Sr., father of Far Cry?s famous Hurk Drubm...

SolSeraph | Announcement Trailer
