Check Out the Full Trailer for the Rainbow Six Siege Outbreak Event - Videogames Blogs

Check Out the Full Trailer for the Rainbow Six Siege Outbreak Event

As the starting date for the Tom Clancy?s Rainbow Six Siege Outbreak event draws closer, Ubisoft has released the full teaser trailer for the latest event, showing off just how deadly and fierce of an outbreak players will have to deal with when the event starts up next month. You can check out the full trailer below.

Earlier last week, Ubisoft announced that Operation Chimera will be available to all users on March 6, and continued to tease the free Outbreak event coming to the game on that same day. When the Outbreak event goes live on March 6, 2018, players will have to face an infestation of unknown origins that has been attacking a small town in New Mexico. Taking in two new operators – specialists in biohazard situations – they will have to face this major threat in order to save the town of Truth or Consequences. For more information on the upcoming updates, check out below:
In Outbreak, the first seasonal event for Rainbow Six Siege, players will choose their best team of three to enter the devastated town of Truth or Consequences and neutralize the threat. From exploding monstrosities to hulking horrors, the Rainbow Six team will face something never-seen before. These armored monsters will bring the fight close and push the destruction engine to new heights. Players will have to find new ways of using their arsenal, against a foe that doesn?t take cover and engages instantly in close combat.
?Operation Chimera? will be available on TTS from February...

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