Check Out This Gigantic Final Fantasy XIV Ice Sculpture

Though winter is almost over, it?s never a bad time to take a look at some awesome ice sculptures, and that?s exactly what Square Enix has for us today. During the recent Sapporo Snow Festival, a giant ice sculpture of Nidhogg, a giant dragon that?s featured in Final Fantasy XIV, was unveiled, and it looks almost as menacing as the actual creature does in the game.
Not only does the snow/ice sculpture actually look menacing, but it also has an entire light show to go along with it. In the video above, you can check out the dragon lightning up with various colors before giant flames erupt from around it.
As far as Final Fantasy XIV goes, the game just recently got a huge patch that introduced a ton of new content into the game, including:
New Main Scenario Quests – Thanks to the Warrior of Light?s heroic deeds and Raubahn’s long-awaited return, Ala Mhigo continues its steady march towards recovery. All is not well in the East however, with worrying rumours coming out of Doma.
New Raid Dungeon ? The next arc in the Omega raid series, Omega: Sigmascape arrives to test the Warrior of Light?s limits even further. With familiar faces from FINAL FANTASY V being summoned up previously, today?s trailer shows Sigmascape populated with features very reminiscent of FINAL FANTASY VI?
New Trial ? Meet one of The Four Lords, Byakko, in this challenging new Trial kicking off a fresh series of side quests.
New Dungeons ? Two new high-level Dungeons: Hells? Lid and The Fracta...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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