Check Out This PS4-Exclusive Dragon Ball FighterZ Collector’s Edition From Japan - Videogames Blogs

Check Out This PS4-Exclusive Dragon Ball FighterZ Collector’s Edition From Japan

Fresh off of selling over 3.5 million units, a new collector’s edition for Dragon Ball FighterZ has just been announced. It is exclusive to the PS4 and features all of the downloadable content in one big package. As of right now, the Dragon Ball FighterZ: Deluxe Edition is only coming to Japan and has a price of 6,100 yen.
As we mentioned before, it will come with all of the DLC characters that have been released. The characters include:

Android 17
Base Goku
Base Vegeta
SSGSS Vegito

Unfortunately, there’s still no word on another round of DLC characters at this point. However, it seems like Dragon Ball FighterZ is certainly a success for Bandai Namco, and the company is certainly supporting it. If you haven’t managed to try it out yet, this is certainly something to keep your eye on. It’ll be a cheaper option than buying the fighters piecemeal, at $4.99 each, or in the FighterZ Pass, which is $34.99.




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